Centre of Sustainable Entrepreneurship


Partners - foundship.org

Partners - credit: sharingtricks.com

We are open and eager to collaborate and partner up in projects that are related to sustainable entrepreneurship.

At this moment we are pleased to collaborate with following partners:

Hungary: ReCreativity – a social enterprise that provides short and long term programs with the tool of creative recycling, in order that participants build creative solutions and skills in their everyday life and in the mean time inquire environmental awareness.

Lithuania: Youth EPICenter – Youth E(ducation) P(articipation) I(nitiatives) Center is an non-for-profit organization established by young people in order to work with young people and to support each other in coping with the challenges that the fast changing world gives to us.

Bulgaria: „Slunce“ – an informal group aimed to empower young people to have a proactive role when defining their lifestyle, to foster youth participation in advocating inclusiveness, to increase social cohesion and local democracy, to develop the link between traditional education’s and environmental education’s resources and activities.

Czech Republic: Asociace DICE – Development Initiatives for a Common Europe, z. s. is a non profit, non governmental association founded to provide the opportunities and raise the European awareness in the place slightly excluded due to geographical obstacles. The main area of focus is the support of non formal education, dialogue and active citizenship of local youth and to create the platform for the personal development.

Italy: EUROSUD is established by a number of experts with a goal to offer a support, help, services and counselling in the area of civil society and democratic institutions development, civil values, and non-formal education for all citizens (especially for young people). EUROSUD organizes events (round tables, debates, seminars and workshops) about activism, education, promotion and exchange regarding human rights, development of local, regional, European and international cooperation. EUROSUD especially promotes development of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development (of civil society). The aim of the organization is to facilitate the communitarian European integration, and promote the knowledge of the European culture among the young people, in particular, and of all the citizens, in general. EUROSUD aims to improve the quality of life of people in our town and the region of Puglia, as well to foster social inclusion and civic activism. The goals are also to develop cultural, democratic, social and ecological conscience among youth, to encourage cooperation of young people with different interests and activities, and to increase influence of young people on the local community.

Latvia: The Green Liberty (Zaļā brīvība) – has been founded in 1991 and registered as a non-profit NGO in 1993 (then as the Green Library of Environmental Protection Club). In 2000, the organization re-registered with new name – Green Liberty. Green Liberty’s mission is to develop a society where people live in harmony with each other and their environment. The Green Liberty aims at informing people about social and environmental implications of current trends in consumerism, trade and globalization; empowering people to make meaningful decisions connected with their lives directly and indirectly; and opposing abuses of power. The Green Liberty organizes press briefings, conferences, exhibitions, public lectures, expositions, and runs webpage and online campaigns. Green Liberty publishes environmental information, organizes different cultural and environmental actions, as well as does studies on socio-environmental issues and works on sustainable development and lifestyles, development issues and particularly on fair trade, climate and energy and waste related issues. Green Liberty also advocates government on sustainable development and environmental policy integration in various sectoral policies.

Poland: Youth Support Centre (YSC) is non-profit, non-governmental organisation established by youth workers, young people and professionals, motivated to work with non-formal education in addressing the issues that concern our local community, Poland and Europe in general. Even though YSC is relatively new organisation, founded in 2015, it is composed of people who are active in civil sector and youth work for many years. Our mission is to stimulate and sustain the personal, professional and social development of the local youth. We are dedicated to fostering young people’s active, civic and responsible participation to the educational, social, cultural and economic environment of the communities they live in by supporting, counseling, informing and organizing activities for them.

Portugal: Geoclube (Associação Juvenil de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura) – is a youth asociation founded in 2000 by a group of students and teachers from the school town (Gondomar). The main target are youngsters between 12 and 30 years old from all kind of backgrounds that have a common interest for Science, Nature and Adventure. Association works with environmental protection and knowledge about Nature in Portugal and around Europe. They have regular activities such as campings or travels around nature with walks and also some cultural activities like traditional games, typical agricultural traditions, celebration of Day of European Union and Mineral and Fossil Fair. Association seeks to develop Citizenship activities in order to have youth participation in the democracy process at a local, national and European level. Facebook page: facebook.com/geoclube

Romania: Draw Your Future Association (DVT or Asociația Desenăm Viitorul Tău) – established in 2013, it is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. At the moment the NGO has 19 registered members and about 30 volunteers contributing to its activities. The mission of DVT is to identify and support vulnerable groups, irrespective of the nature of the criteria used to define them as such – socially, economically, ethnically, culturally, religiously or politically vulnerable, as well as on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity, on the basis of the universal principles of human dignity, compassion and tolerance. Association supports the development of the civil society using non-formal activities and various out-of-the-box approaches related to communication, leadership and creativity. Through its dynamic, ever-changing portfolio of projects and initiatives, DVT contributes to addressing and combating current issues affecting our society, like stereotyping, racism, unemployment and other factors that hinder the organic development of human communities.